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Starting January 24, many articles in international media begin with "terrorist attack in Moscow’s airport Domodedovo”, after the title there are some lengthy arguments about unavailability of Russian authority to resist organized crime and, as a result need for Russia to "let Caucasus go”. Especially, touches the refrain lines about innocent victims, though everyone knows who is "guilty”, even if culprits are known who has right to lynch.

... Read more »

Category: Articles | Views: 3033 | Added by: Грант | Date: 01.02.2011 | Comments (2)

These days Armenians remember tragedy that took place 21 year ago in Baku. At those days in the city mostly built by Armenian builders; in the city with its own, unique flavor created by Armenian architects occurred most severe pogroms and murders of Armenian population. The enormous crowd of Transcaucasian Turks consisting of many tens of thousands nonhumans returned to the primitive state; this crowd starting from January 13 robbed and killed, raped and burnt Armenians… Only because they were Armenians. 

Hard to recall these days to victims of pogroms, but we must speak about it. It is necessary. It is necessary not only because our sorrowful silence crea ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 2886 | Added by: Грант | Date: 21.01.2011 | Comments (0)

In 1992, Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan made decision to celebrate Nov. 17 Day of National Revival. 18 years later, this day remembered only by journalists and some members of the same Milli Majlis. "Holiday” is long ago a workday, and its designation remained unclear. There are several reasons, we would talk about. 
Long been noted, in the modern Azerbaijan Republic celebrated only the dates that are relevant (or far-fetched) to the activity of Aliyev clan: National Salvation Day - June 15th, Flower Festival - May 10th etc. The Day of "national revival” has no relation to anyone of Aliyevs. Moreover, this holiday could be counted as "anti-Aliyev’s”, since most of the people who made decision on ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1788 | Added by: Грант | Date: 19.11.2010 | Comments (0)

Three and a half years ago I published article "Eynulla, be careful! Authorities are ready to murder”, where I expressed concern over the fate of the young and honest Azerbaijani journalist. I never considered Eynulla Fatullayev - the Chief Editor of "Real Azerbaijan” and "Gundalik Azerbaijan” – as pro-Armenian journalist, but his articles always had author’s will to be objective: both in highlighting of Azeri-Karabakh conflict and in describing of Azerbaijan’s domestic affairs. This Fatullayev’s position inspires respect and my three years old article was dictated by this inspiration.
Six weeks later after my article E. Fatullayev was arrested. He was a ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 2477 | Added by: Грант | Date: 19.11.2010 | Comments (0)

There is an emotional shock among the reading public in Azerbaijan. They suddenly discovered that the population of "starving” Armenia feeds considerably better than people in "prosperous” Azerbaijan. Belarusian agency "Belta” known for its accuracy in researches on nutritional standards has published data, according to it the per-capita consumption of meat and meat products in Armenia in 2008 was 49 kg., and in Azerbaijan - in 2009 (!) was 31 kg. Note that in the famous book of German scientist M. Hamm "Healthy nutrition with meat and without it” indicated the position of both author and the German Society of Nutrition, where the reasonable (healthy) meat consumption ranges from 120 to 150 grams per day, i.e. from 44 to 55 kg. per year. 
Category: Articles | Views: 1162 | Added by: Грант | Date: 19.11.2010 | Comments (0)

Turkish Ambassador to Austria Kadri Edzhvet Tezdzhan provoked a major scandal, which may result sharp deterioration in relations between Turkey and Austria. In an interview for the Austrian newspaper "Die Presse” Tezdzhan expressed a whole bunch of accusations against the Austrian government, including: discrimination toward foreigners, establishment of "Turkish ghettos”, erection of the artificial barriers to the integration of Turks into Austrian society. "You are always trying to drive Turks into a corner. Turks don’t need anything from you. They just want to be treated not as a pathogenic virus”, - said Ambassador of Turkey to journalists. Then, Tezdzhan "pleased” the newspaper and its readers by stating "if he would be Secretary General of the UN, OSCE or OPEC, he would ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 987 | Added by: Грант | Date: 16.11.2010 | Comments (0)

Matthew Bryza’s candidacy on the post of USA Ambassador in Azerbaijan put forward by the President B. Obama, after many delays, on September 22 was put to a vote in the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The turnout of the 19 members of the Committee: 17 of them approved the candidacy of Bryza. Should be recalled that July 22 this year M. Bryza candidacy has already been considered by the Committee, the majority of it voted against his appointment to the same post. Moreover, afterwards, Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid sent a letter to the U.S. State Department expressing the bewilderment about the proposal to appoint Bryza and thoroughly examine his candidacy. 

Category: Articles | Views: 2041 | Added by: Грант | Date: 27.09.2010 | Comments (0)

Few days ago the editorial board of received a statement of "Peshmerge Brotherhood”, where in a rather rigid form was claim for to the Armenians: come to Western Armenia only as tourists, not as pilgrims to their own homeland. Although, statement is more about the "Turkish show” on September 19th, which named the liturgy; still the context leaves no doubts: in the opinion of certain peshmerge, Armenians are acceptable for them only as tourists. Without any nostalgic longings. 

Personally I am against any travels of the Armenians to captivated homeland ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1016 | Added by: Грант | Date: 20.09.2010 | Comments (0)

Negotiations on Nagorno-Karabakh problem come to a standstill. The lack of legal bases and insatiable desire to occupy Nagorno-Karabakh force Azerbaijan to work not in the direction of finding solution to the situation, but on the disruption of process. In a sense Azerbaijan could be understood: when there is no will or skills or arguments there is only last resort remains: to torpedo mediators’ efforts by declarative bellicose statements. 

Azerbaijani state agency "AzerTaj”, spread the information that President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev during his session with government stated: "Armenia or notorious Nagorno-Karabakh separatists, or some third force can not unilaterally without participati ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1199 | Added by: Грант | Date: 12.08.2010 | Comments (0)

The visit of US Secretary of State was waited hopefully and anxiously in Baku. After the meeting of the Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia in Saint Petersburg, when I. Aliyev ran out; USA became the last hope for the President of Azerbaijan. Aliyev expected to use advantage of the contradictions existing between Moscow and Washington in the visions of the political situation in Caucasus. It is necessary to comment that Aliyev thoroughly prepared himself for the meeting with Hilary Clinton. Now there are no doubts: the bloody provocation on June 18th was meant to America and it was a signal for USA indicating Azerbaijan’s disagreement with Russia’s proposal. Recall that Ilham Aliyev being extremely depressed by the negotiation process in Saint Petersburg, not being courage enough to contradict the President of Russia, and keeping in mind the lack of arguments confirming the territorial claims of Azerbaijan on N ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1067 | Added by: Грант | Date: 11.08.2010 | Comments (0)

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Turkey lays down conditions to Armenia (20)
Agreements with Turkey to be concluded after Genocide recognition (4)
Turkish MGK apparently took decision on protocols (19)
Serzh Sargsyan visited NKR-based Armenian military post (0)
Yerevan to stop negotiations with Ankara in case it proposes reservations in Protocols (0)
U.S. Senators Menendez and Ensign introduce Armenian Genocide Resolution (1)
Secretary General of Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry Appointed (4)
Dashnaktsutyun will employ all legal means to fail ratification (1)
Armenian and NKR Presidents to meet in Stepanakert on October 21 (2)
Turkish Foreign Ministry Not Yet Resolved Document Formalities (2)
Nagorno-Karabakh Discussed during Turkey’s National Security Council Session (30)
Turkey will try to drag out ratification of Protocols till March (6)
Turkish Businesses Under Pressure in Azerbaijan (1)
Ruben Hakobyan: Nagorno Karabakh in exchange for gas (0)
Turkey's EU membership will help west to improve relations with the Muslim world? (1)
