There is an emotional shock among the reading public in Azerbaijan. They suddenly discovered that the population of "starving” Armenia feeds considerably better than people in "prosperous” Azerbaijan. Belarusian agency "Belta” known for its accuracy in researches on nutritional standards has published data, according to it the per-capita consumption of meat and meat products in Armenia in 2008 was 49 kg., and in Azerbaijan - in 2009 (!) was 31 kg. Note that in the famous book of German scientist M. Hamm "Healthy nutrition with meat and without it” indicated the position of both author and the German Society of Nutrition, where the reasonable (healthy) meat consumption ranges from 120 to 150 grams per day, i.e. from 44 to 55 kg. per year. According to "Belta” studies, average Armenian eats 134 grams of meat per day, while Azerbaijani is happy, if he succeeds to have 85 grams of meat per day. These numbers unpleasantly surprised Azerbaijan. Prior to that, in different researches: level of corruption, level of human development etc. - Armenia has consistently outstripped Azerbaijan, but all these calculations are kind of abstract. The consumption of food, and even meat, so needed and revered food in Caucasus is quite another. In connection with a topic I recalled two-year-old publication in the Azerbaijan press, when author not having seen the smoke from the roasting shish kebab during the football match in Yerevan, came to right "decision”: Armenia is starving! In order to "understand” numbers of "Belta” agency correspondents of "Echo” Baku newspaper turned to the chairman of the Azerbaijan Research Center of Sustainable Development Nariman Agayev with questions: 1) What is the reason of such tangible difference in meat consumption between Azerbaijan and Armenia? 2) It looks strange with the background in level of socio-economic development differences of two countries. 3) How much these statistics could be trusted? We won’t pay attention to the second question - assertion of Azerbaijani journalists who are in the sweet captivity of their own propaganda. Here are N. Agayev's answers; he immediately dismissed all of the doubts about the objectivity of "Belta”. Further, however, N. Agayev attempted to explain the colossal difference in the meat consumption among citizens of Armenia and Azerbaijan… by ration and kitchen "that formed during centuries”. Meanwhile speaking about the ration formed during centuries. The average Transcaucasian Turk would have to consume considerably more meat - basic ration in nomad’s nutrition. Moreover, over the millennia meat and dairy products are not only basic, but often the only components in nomad’s ration. So it was inappropriate to talk about traditions in this case. In turn, Armenians, who live thousands of years by settled life, always supplemented their ration with food of plant origin. Another Agayev’s "explanation” consists in the fact that in Azerbaijan "along with the meat fish could be consumed”. Thus, in this case it’s natural that the meat consumption is reduced. However, in Armenia chose question the way more acute than in Azerbaijan”. Hard to say, what is more: ordinary ignorance of realities or desire to please the journalists, and therefore, the authority of Azerbaijan? Armenia is a major fish exporter, and any, even the most run-down shop in the most distant region of Armenia is "decorated” with a huge aquarium full of live fish for sale. River and Sevan trout, as well as cultivated in Armenia Siberian sturgeon - are essential attributes of any Armenian table. As far as the choice of the Armenian stores it’s not inferior to stores and markets of European countries. Finally, N. Agayev forgets, that the faithful Muslim of Azerbaijan don’t consume fish at all. Realizing that with explanations about the better and more balanced, as compared to the Transcaucasian Turks, nutrition of Armenian citizens he "slightly overdone”, and apparently, remembering that he lives and works in controlled from top to bottom Azerbaijan, Agayev suddenly added that "the difference between the meat consumption in Azerbaijan and Armenia is somewhat overstated”. Then he saddled Azerbaijan propaganda’s favorite horse: "Indeed in this case we should also take into account the social situation of people in Azerbaijan and Armenia”. That’s right: the social situation of the population of two states should certainly be taken into account. Not social status and opportunities of several Azerbaijani clans many decades robbing Azerbaijan people, namely population. Only in this case it’s possible to understand the lack of protein in the body of ordinary Transcaucasian Turk. Enough to look at Azeri soldiers – skinny, anemic and dystrophic, freezing to death at plus 3 degrees - to understand: there are major problems with nutrition in this republic. That’s why may be there is a legislative decision to call into the armed forces undersized fellows below 145 cm. with weight up to 45 kg. Imagine this asker weighing 43 kg. with "Istiglal” rifle that weigh 20 kg. Azerbaijan askers hungry from the childhood today act according to the principle: the starving one should rescue himself. Now almost all Azerbaijan settlements that are close to the armed forces units suffer from attacks on their flocks and chicken coops by starved on the stated-owned grub "dashing nomads”. In hungry Azeri asker awoke the instinct of his ancestors that is why mass theft of villagers’ livestock by soldiers turned to everyday’s craft. From time to time, especially when stealing happens without officers’ consent, rustlers in the form of Azerbaijani soldier are taken into the police. The last case occurred recently in the Cuban district of Azerbaijan, where soldier Hussein Guseinov managed to steal at least seven sheep. It is symptomatic, that officers "surrendered” Hussein only because Guseinov refused to share stolen meat and money. It is interesting that Azerbaijani subversive group trying to get to the Armenian village Koti on the night from 3rd to 4th March this year, and destroyed by Armenian frontier-guards, besides diversionary-terrorist acts, intended to steal the cattle belonging to the Koti villagers. They failed. So they were destroyed on an empty stomach. Chronically hungry people easily falls into severe depression, which leads to mental breakdown, suicide and other dire consequences. It’s especially concerns Azeri asker, who sits in a trench in front of the Armenian positions and fearfully hears new bellicose speech of the greenish-brown President of Azerbaijan. Observed that after each Aliyev’s promise to start aggression against the Artsakh Republic, in armed forces of Azerbaijan there are surges in suicides and breakdowns in the nervous system. Azerbaijan research center "Doctrine”, for example, reported that 10 percent of all losses in the security system of Azerbaijan are suicides. How many askers are "demobilized” from the armed forces directly into the psychiatric hospitals "Doctrine” doesn’t report; however, according to our data, more than 40 percent of Azeri soldiers suffer from different mental health problems that are due to hungry childhood and the fear of war.
Levon MELIK-SHAHNAZARYAN P.S. Imagine what would happen to the Azerbaijan’s reading public if they will know that per-capita consumption of meat in Artsakh Republic exceeds 68 kg. per year.
Photographs are taken from Azerbaijani sites