Turkish Ambassador to Austria Kadri Edzhvet Tezdzhan provoked a major scandal, which may result sharp deterioration in relations between Turkey and Austria. In an interview for the Austrian newspaper "Die Presse” Tezdzhan expressed a whole bunch of accusations against the Austrian government, including: discrimination toward foreigners, establishment of "Turkish ghettos”, erection of the artificial barriers to the integration of Turks into Austrian society. "You are always trying to drive Turks into a corner. Turks don’t need anything from you. They just want to be treated not as a pathogenic virus”, - said Ambassador of Turkey to journalists. Then, Tezdzhan "pleased” the newspaper and its readers by stating "if he would be Secretary General of the UN, OSCE or OPEC, he would never stay here”.
The last statement of Ambassador Tezdzhan, especially his assumption of the possibility to be headed the largest oil cartel could cause doubts on the mental abilities of Turkish Ambassador, if not quarrels that are systematic between Turks and European states. Thus, Turkey repeatedly provokes scandals with Germany and Greece and worsened relations with England. Furthermore, on the background of chilling relations between Turkey and Israel, as well as open support of Ankara to Sunni terrorist organizations, it undoubtedly deteriorates relations with the USA. First persons in Turkey: President, Prime minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs in their speeches more clearly give to understand the accumulated accusations to the EU "creating obstacles to Turkish membership in this organization”, as well as NATO and USA, "not rendering Turkey with effective support in the fight against terrorism”. Recently Erdogan has threatened that after "the final victory” over terrorism (meaning the PKK), Turkey will remind Europe its current loneliness”. Against this background, the behavior of the Turkish Ambassador in Austria is quite natural and it proceeds from the Turkish foreign policy agenda. For this reason it is hard to agree with the Russian analyst Sergey Tarasov who considers that Tezdzhan had "a nervous breakdown”.
Kadri Edzhvet Tezdzhan is an experienced diplomat, who knows how to restrain his emotions and, if necessary, shamelessly flatter. We remember how he amused the thinking world when he was the Ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan by the statement that H. Aliyev’s letter to his Turkish colleague President of Turkey Suleyman Demirel "is a great art work”. Not occasionally after the expiration of tenure in Azerbaijan Tezdzhan was appointed Chief of Intelligence and Analyses Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey. It’s seems that "nervous breakdown” of analyst, intelligence officer and diplomat Tezdzhan is well-designed and pre-agreed with Ankara authorities game. Hard do not pay attention to the nuance of Turkish "charges” to Germany and Austria. Thus, in Germany Erdogan unbraided official Bonn in effort to assimilate Turks, and appealed to his tribesmen with the warning: "Assimilation is a crime against humanity! No one should expect you to be assimilated”. In Austria Tezdzhan said the opposite: "Local (Austrian - L.M.-Sh.) authorities don’t do anything in order to help 250 thousand Turkish immigrants to integrate into society”.
Naïve to assume, that the right hand of Turkish diplomacy doesn’t know what its left hand does. Tezdzhan’s statement doesn’t actually contradict to the statement of Turkish Prime Minister R. Erdogan in Germany and frequent statements of Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs A. Davutoglu. All of them are primarily directed on the deterioration of relations with Europe that completely correspond with repeatedly declared and adopted by Turkey policy of neo-Ottomanism. Turkey turns away from Europe and rejects its goal to join the EU. At the same time, it attempts to present that this policy is a result of the Europe discriminatory policy toward Turkey.
To some extent Tezdzhan’s demarche achieved its goal. The outrage on his remarks expressed the Chancellor of Austria Werner Faymann and Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll; leaders of the right-wing oppositional parties required the termination of negotiations on Turkish possible accession to the EU, official apologies of Turkish side and expulsion of diplomat from Austria. Tezdzhan most likely, won’t be send, the more so because Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey interfered in the situation by calling to his Austrian colleague; however, it doesn’t mean that the incident will remain without the consequences. Strictly speaking, this scandal is a consequence itself. As it was mentioned, it’s a result of adopted by Turkey policy of neo-Ottomanism.
Against this background, recently made Erdogan’s statement sounds extremely unnatural. "Turkey – the only country discriminated by Europe on the completely incomprehensible basis. Our state has been waiting for 50 years. Turkey is tired to wait at the gate of the Europe. We’ve became quite European country, but it looks like Europe is fencing off from us. I don’t know, why?.. I want to state clearly: Turkish people are offended by Europe, and Europe should not to test our patience for long, how long we’ll agree to tolerate this insult”, hypocritically lamented and, at once prevented Europe the Prime Minister of Turkey.
In reality, everything is completely different: Turkey didn’t become and it doesn’t attempt to become the European country. Rather, until recently, Turkey attempted to embed in Europe its values, culture and its understanding of being. After losing on this field, Turkey now rushed not into Asia - classical Asia is spiritual and unacceptable for Turks – but into the Asian barbarism. Asian barbarism is the most familiar and natural way of life and thinking for Turks. In this precise obscurantism, which became cause of pain and suffering for hundreds of millions of people over huge area on the globe, now conducted Turkey by its declared policy of neo-Ottomanism.