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«  November 2010  »



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Main » 2010 » November » 19 » Eynulla Fatullayev - terrorist, drug-addict, killer and the traitor
Eynulla Fatullayev - terrorist, drug-addict, killer and the traitor
Three and a half years ago I published article "Eynulla, be careful! Authorities are ready to murder”, where I expressed concern over the fate of the young and honest Azerbaijani journalist. I never considered Eynulla Fatullayev - the Chief Editor of "Real Azerbaijan” and "Gundalik Azerbaijan” – as pro-Armenian journalist, but his articles always had author’s will to be objective: both in highlighting of Azeri-Karabakh conflict and in describing of Azerbaijan’s domestic affairs. This Fatullayev’s position inspires respect and my three years old article was dictated by this inspiration.
Six weeks later after my article E. Fatullayev was arrested. He was accused in insulting former residents of Hojaly in the cycle of his articles "Karabakh Diary”; he was sentenced to imprisonment to 2 years 6 months. Note, even before that, in September 2006, Fatullayev was sentenced to two years probation. That time he was judged by the claim of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Ramil Usubov who considered himself insulted by Eynulla publications. 
E. Fatullayev's case continued to overgrow by verdicts and appeals; however, he still was sitting in the jail, and newspapers edited by him were forbidden. Moreover, entire property of the newspapers was taken out in an unknown direction by R. Usubov’s staff. In short, Eynulla was not only arrested, but also robbed. Nevertheless, Fatullayev wasn’t killed, as his friend and accomplice Elmar Huseynov. Bahaddin Gazyev was taken away from the city, tried to kill by "unknowns”, severely beaten then they few times drove over his legs and, believing dead he was left on the route. Another journalist also wasn’t killed! - Agil Khalil- left Azerbaijan after four (! L.M.-Sh) attempts on his life. In Azerbaijan people are used to kill by ax, and it’s almost impossible to come to the journalists with an ax.
Back to Eynulla Fatullayev. After many appeals, the attorneys of Fatullayev turned to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Then Azerbaijan government well understanding, how clumsy bungled Fatullayev’s case decided "to forestall”; as a result additional charge – threat of terrorism - condemning Eynulla to 8 and a half years. Fatullayev’s "guilt” was in describing possible scenario of US aggression against Iran. Fatullayev reasonably noted that in case of Baku assistance to Washington, Iran could respond by rocket attacks on oil and gas fields and other strategic sites of Azerbaijan. Article was considered as call to terrorism, and Fatullayev already serving a sentence for "insult of Hojaly people”, got six more years.
Nevertheless, on April 22 this year the European Court for Human Rights examined the complaint of arrested journalist and ordered his immediate release from detention. In its decision European Court noted that Azerbaijan many times have violated judicial proceedings of the Convention on "Protection of Rights and the major freedoms”. In turn, Azerbaijan government disputed this solution and appealed to the ECHR Grand Chamber. 
Necessary to say, that not everyone in Azerbaijan government is disabled: some of them have symptoms of the mind – no speech on morality - even perverted. Last year, December 30 in E. Fatullayev’s camera was "found” 0, 223 grams (what enviable accuracy! - L.M.-SH.) of heroin; this led to a new criminal case. After the ECHR decision - July 6 this year - Eynulla was sentenced to another period: 2 and half years on art. 234.1 of Azerbaijan Criminal Code: "illegal manufacture, production, acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors”. Thus, Eynulla was presented to the "community” as terrorist and drug user who offended Azeris. 
New Court decision followed by new Fatullayev’s appeal, where he proved, that drugs were dropped by the prison authorities. The appellate court took place on November 5 in Baku and began with a curiosity: Fatullayev’s lawyer I. Ashurov stated that he needs time to prepare for the process, since he received a notice only yesterday. Fatullayev said that he didn’t get subpoena, was awakened this morning and led to the court. These arguments didn’t affect the court, the process got continued, and therefore Ashurov left session in protest. This also didn’t stop court. Court hearing, in violation of procedural standards continued the session. At judge’s question, if Fatullayev gives outlet to the court, defendant replied that he gives outlet to entire Azerbaijan state!
After that judge ordered to arrest Fatullayev who was already arrested for three and a half years! "This is not a state, but a gathering of robbers! - exclaimed Fatullayev. What does it mean to arrest? Do I walk on "Torgovaya” street?!” Court, however, wasn’t interested where the prisoner walks; conferring for an hour court got a verdict about…Fatullayev’s arrest. Without specifying the period of arrest. 
This new farce with journalist’s arrest is connected with the fact that on November 11 will be held the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan, which is to "discuss” the ECHR decision on the immediate release of Fatullayev. If before there was a glimmering hope, that Azerbaijan will execute the ECHR verdict, then now it seems as solved: Baku does not intend to release from custody illegally arrested journalist. 
Strictly speaking, it became clear earlier, when published the article of well-known MNS provocateur and informant Rizvan Huseynov, where he accused E. Fatullayev in connections with the intelligence agencies of Armenia, obtaining finance from Yerevan and… murder of Elmar Huseynov. R. Huseynov also repeats words of another provocateur and rogue in Azerbaijani journalism, main "defender” of former Hojaly people and fake "participant of Karabakh military operations” Tatiana Chaladze, "blaming” Fatullayev in the fact that he used materials of my and Ike Demoyan joint study "Hojaly case. Special folder”. Since R. Huseynov and T. Chaladze are "regular mouthpieces” of Azerbaijani public opinion (read - Azerbaijani government); must be assumed that E. Fatullayev could be also accused in treason, and murder of Elmar Huseynov.
 ”What about the European Court of Human Rights?”, naive reader could ask. Nothing. Actually, go to hell all these courts: European courts and all courts of the world. Azerbaijan has enough of oil barrels for each court. All disagreed will rot in prisons on trumped up charges. Finally (I. Aliyev knows it perfectly well), ECHR reflects the interests of European states, whose eyes are covered with black oil. 


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