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Absentee conversations of Armenian and Azerbaijan participants in different Internet forums: journalists, political scientists or politicians are characterized by one special feature: Azeri side threatens by the second liberation war in Artsakh, Armenian attempts to intelligently dissuade them from it. At the same time explaining, that the war inevitably will result death and destruction, humanitarian catastrophe and hundreds of thousands of new refugees. Azeris, in turn, juggle by millions of barrels of oil and by billions of cubic meters of gas as indicator of the military power of their state. Such conversations have lasted already for more than fifteen years, and the more intelligent and gently writes and speaks out the representatives (often self-styled) the more "pushes” the other side. Both in direct and figurative sense.
Category: Articles | Views: 1006 | Added by: Грант | Date: 13.01.2010 | Comments (0)

On December 24th, the entire population of Azerbaijan Republic and entire progressive humanity celebrate the birthday of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev. The editorial staff of on behalf of all its employees congratulates Ilham Aliyev, worthy son of the great national leader. We admire the multi-faceted talents of the President of Azerbaijan, his vision and intelligence, and we hope that these qualities will continue to serve him faithfully. In this case, Ilham Aliyev without fail will be able to solve one of the main puzzles and finally find the answer to the question; the leader of what nation was the great Heydar Aliyev, the father of Ilham Aliyev. Well, we hope today the President of Azerbaijan will relax and enjoy the holiday, we hope he will read not only congratulations from the leaders of the d ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1739 | Added by: Грант | Date: 29.12.2009 | Comments (0)

One year ago, on the holiday of the birth of the Armenian god of the sun Mikhra, we "went on the air” for the first time. 12 months already flew. Twelve months of the hard daily work without holidays and weekends. Twelve months of the successes, good luck and findings, twelve months of the errors and doubts, and again successes. But, the most important are 12 months of the acquisition of the large number of friends. And the considerable number of enemies, (what would we do without them?).  

Our friends live in Yerevan and Moscow, Krasnodar and Samara, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, Belgium and Russia, in the USA… the geography of our friends is wide, as wide as the geography of the Armenian Dias ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1292 | Added by: Грант | Date: 27.12.2009 | Comments (0)

Soldier and the doctor

Medical officer. Perhaps, it is one of the most precious professions in the world. It is also one of the most necessary professions for the Armenian people. Military physician! Serviceman protects the country from the enemy, with the weapon in the hands. Doctor, daily, protects the health of motherland’s defenders without tiredness.  

During centuries the profession of military doctor was one of the most respected for the Armenian people. Today it remains the same. Armenian upland loc ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1197 | Added by: Грант | Date: 19.11.2009 | Comments (2)

The representative of Azerbaijani Milli Meclis Ganira Pashaeva who’s noted for extravagant behavior and her incurable armenophobia, is desperate. Coming out at the Ankara University’s XXI century meeting, dedicated to Azerbaijan- Turkey relations, she stated that "the signing of Turkish- Armenian protocols makes it possible for Yerevan to take the hard line toward Azerbaijan”. G. Pashaeva complained before the Turkish audience, that Ankara took away Baku’s "trump card” with regards to Armenia. "Unfortunately, at present "trump card” in the hands of Armenia is much stronger, and this "trump” consists of the fact that the territories of Azerbaijan are occupied. The "trump” in the hands of Azerbaijan was the fact that, until now, the Turkish- Armenian boundary was closed; therefore the economy of Armenia was weak”, Ganira told to the assembly.  < ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1096 | Added by: Грант | Date: 18.11.2009 | Comments (0)

The Armenian-populated region of Samtskhe-Javakhk-Tsalka is burdened with a number of unresolved problems which feed lasting tensions in relations between Armenia and Georgia.  Although the local Armenian population mainly raises the issue of the status of their mother tongue, or the persecution of the Armenian Church and activists, there are many other problems in Samtskhe-Javakhk-Tsalka, such as in the fields of education, public health care and employment.  Combined, they have all lead to a situation where the Armenians of Samtskhe-Javakhk-Tsalka are obliged to make their living elsewhere, thus contributing to the process of de-Armenization of their homeland.  Those who manage to overcome the daily hardships spare no efforts to change the state of affairs and live a dignified life. ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1064 | Added by: Грант | Date: 11.11.2009 | Comments (1)

It's no secret that the Caucasus region is one of the centers of world civilization. At the same time, it’s obvious that this region has always been a hot spot of the planet. The Caucasus has long been at the centre of world powers’ attention, which, on the basis of political expediency, constantly interfered with the ongoing developments in our region. The consequences of such policies, continuing up to these days: war, sacrifice, destruction, frozen and hot conflicts, and many of such tragic realities.
Category: Articles | Views: 1045 | Added by: Грант | Date: 28.10.2009 | Comments (0)

    It is well known to everyone that Azeri officials have made anti-Armenian propaganda as a cornerstone of their domestic and foreign policy. In a way it is also logical that as a part of foreign policy anti-Armenian propaganda has a “vital” meaning for the official Baku. After all it is imperative to somehow justify in the eyes of the international community their unrealizable strive to see Karabakh belonging to Azerbaijan again.  

... Read more »

Category: Articles | Views: 1480 | Added by: Грант | Date: 27.10.2009 | Comments (0)

Turkey’s efforts to reconcile with Armenia have attracted plenty of attention over the past six weeks. It’s less widely known that Ankara is simultaneously engaged in a delicate diplomatic move to forge closer ties with Abkhazia, one of Georgia’s renegade territories.

On the surface, Turkey continues to endorse the concept of Georgia’s territorial integrity, and senior Turkish diplomats emphasize that "there is no p ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1047 | Added by: Грант | Date: 12.10.2009 | Comments (0)

As reported by the website of  Dagestan Mujahedeens Jamaat Shariat, on the night of September the 20th there was an armed confrontation between Azerbaijani border guards and Mujahedeen-ansars of Dagestan. Jamaat Shariat reports that there are casualties on both sides and finds it surprising that both Russian and Azerbaijani mass media has ... Read more »

Category: Articles | Views: 3554 | Added by: Грант | Date: 09.10.2009 | Comments (0)

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Turkey lays down conditions to Armenia (20)
Agreements with Turkey to be concluded after Genocide recognition (4)
Turkish MGK apparently took decision on protocols (19)
Serzh Sargsyan visited NKR-based Armenian military post (0)
Yerevan to stop negotiations with Ankara in case it proposes reservations in Protocols (0)
U.S. Senators Menendez and Ensign introduce Armenian Genocide Resolution (1)
Secretary General of Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry Appointed (4)
Dashnaktsutyun will employ all legal means to fail ratification (1)
Armenian and NKR Presidents to meet in Stepanakert on October 21 (2)
Turkish Foreign Ministry Not Yet Resolved Document Formalities (2)
Nagorno-Karabakh Discussed during Turkey’s National Security Council Session (30)
Turkey will try to drag out ratification of Protocols till March (6)
Turkish Businesses Under Pressure in Azerbaijan (1)
Ruben Hakobyan: Nagorno Karabakh in exchange for gas (0)
Turkey's EU membership will help west to improve relations with the Muslim world? (1)
