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Even if it would be possible to establish lasting peace, the one who would forego internal readiness for the physical fight will eventually lead to death. 
Karl Jaspers 

Analysis of states’ geopolitical power makes possible to assert that there are two states in the region of Asia Minor and South Caucasus that could be distinguished out of seven. Armenia (under Armenia we mean the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh Republic) is in the second, weaker group, which includes all post-Soviet South Caucasus states; however, the aggregate consideration of crit ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 30959 | Added by: Грант | Date: 04.02.2011 | Comments (41)

The article was published year ago. Now published with some changes and additions) 

The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand. With many scores one can win; with few scores one cannot. How much less chance of victory has one who gets no scores at all!
Best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too it is bett ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 8876 | Added by: Грант | Date: 03.02.2011 | Comments (0)

Starting January 24, many articles in international media begin with "terrorist attack in Moscow’s airport Domodedovo”, after the title there are some lengthy arguments about unavailability of Russian authority to resist organized crime and, as a result need for Russia to "let Caucasus go”. Especially, touches the refrain lines about innocent victims, though everyone knows who is "guilty”, even if culprits are known who has right to lynch.

... Read more »

Category: Articles | Views: 3188 | Added by: Грант | Date: 01.02.2011 | Comments (2)

These days Armenians remember tragedy that took place 21 year ago in Baku. At those days in the city mostly built by Armenian builders; in the city with its own, unique flavor created by Armenian architects occurred most severe pogroms and murders of Armenian population. The enormous crowd of Transcaucasian Turks consisting of many tens of thousands nonhumans returned to the primitive state; this crowd starting from January 13 robbed and killed, raped and burnt Armenians… Only because they were Armenians. 

Hard to recall these days to victims of pogroms, but we must speak about it. It is necessary. It is necessary not only because our sorrowful silence crea ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 2996 | Added by: Грант | Date: 21.01.2011 | Comments (0)

Frankly, I thought for a long before writing on this topic. I thought not because I didn’t want to hurt Ilham Aliyev’s feeling and touch unkind memory of Heydar Aliyev; feelings of these people are completely indifferent for me. I didn’t want to reopen the wounds of mothers and wives; children of those young men who were forcibly driven from Azerbaijan into Armenian Artsakh Mountains, where they forever remained in unknown graves. Even more than that I didn’t want to awaken painful memories of parents among the indigenous peoples of Azerbaijan; their young and innocent children were sacrificed to the Moloch of Azerbaijani government’s Turkish interests.

To write about this is hard, but not to wri ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 3265 | Added by: Грант | Date: 20.01.2011 | Comments (4)

Turkey has the vigor that the EU badly needs.

At the end of this century’s first decade, we can observe how the locus of power has shifted in world politics. The G20 is replacing the G7 as the overseer of the global economy. The need to restructure the U.N. Security Council to be more representative of the international order is profoundly pressing. And emerging powers such as Brazil, India, Turkey, and others are playing very assertive roles in global economic affairs.
The European Union cannot be the one sphere that is immune to these changes in the balance of power. The financial crisis ... Read more »
Category: Press review | Views: 2138 | Added by: Грант | Date: 19.01.2011 | Comments (0)

As far as I know, no one was interested on this issue until this day, at least out loud. Meanwhile, this is a civilized world accepted practice: state former president congratulates his successor with the election to the high position. In the case of Heydar and Ilham Aliyev, congratulations would be more than appropriate: Heydar Aliyev was the father of Ilham Aliyev and the person who refused to participate in the presidential race in favor of his son.  In order to find the answer to the headlined question we should get familiar with the preceding events of Heydar Aliyev’s death official announcement.
July 8, 2003 Heydar Aliyev was hospitaliz ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 4139 | Added by: Грант | Date: 05.01.2011 | Comments (1)

Reaction across the globe to the leaked US embassy cables has ranged from anger and bitterness to extreme indifference

South America


President Lula says he is to register his protest at Assange's arrest on his blog. "This chap was only publishing something he read," he said. "And if he read it, it is because somebody wrote it. The guilty one is not the pu ... Read more »
Category: Press review | Views: 2053 | Added by: Грант | Date: 14.12.2010 | Comments (0)

In 1992, Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan made decision to celebrate Nov. 17 Day of National Revival. 18 years later, this day remembered only by journalists and some members of the same Milli Majlis. "Holiday” is long ago a workday, and its designation remained unclear. There are several reasons, we would talk about. 
Long been noted, in the modern Azerbaijan Republic celebrated only the dates that are relevant (or far-fetched) to the activity of Aliyev clan: National Salvation Day - June 15th, Flower Festival - May 10th etc. The Day of "national revival” has no relation to anyone of Aliyevs. Moreover, this holiday could be counted as "anti-Aliyev’s”, since most of the people who made decision on ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 1904 | Added by: Грант | Date: 19.11.2010 | Comments (0)

Three and a half years ago I published article "Eynulla, be careful! Authorities are ready to murder”, where I expressed concern over the fate of the young and honest Azerbaijani journalist. I never considered Eynulla Fatullayev - the Chief Editor of "Real Azerbaijan” and "Gundalik Azerbaijan” – as pro-Armenian journalist, but his articles always had author’s will to be objective: both in highlighting of Azeri-Karabakh conflict and in describing of Azerbaijan’s domestic affairs. This Fatullayev’s position inspires respect and my three years old article was dictated by this inspiration.
Six weeks later after my article E. Fatullayev was arrested. He was a ... Read more »
Category: Articles | Views: 2546 | Added by: Грант | Date: 19.11.2010 | Comments (0)

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Turkey lays down conditions to Armenia (20)
Agreements with Turkey to be concluded after Genocide recognition (4)
Turkish MGK apparently took decision on protocols (19)
Serzh Sargsyan visited NKR-based Armenian military post (0)
Yerevan to stop negotiations with Ankara in case it proposes reservations in Protocols (0)
U.S. Senators Menendez and Ensign introduce Armenian Genocide Resolution (1)
Secretary General of Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry Appointed (4)
Dashnaktsutyun will employ all legal means to fail ratification (1)
Armenian and NKR Presidents to meet in Stepanakert on October 21 (2)
Turkish Foreign Ministry Not Yet Resolved Document Formalities (2)
Nagorno-Karabakh Discussed during Turkey’s National Security Council Session (31)
Turkey will try to drag out ratification of Protocols till March (6)
Turkish Businesses Under Pressure in Azerbaijan (1)
Ruben Hakobyan: Nagorno Karabakh in exchange for gas (0)
Turkey's EU membership will help west to improve relations with the Muslim world? (1)
