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The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan in interview for Turkish NTV channel made some interesting admissions on Armenian-Turkish relations and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The most eloquent of them is Erdogan's confession that foreign policy of Turkey to a large extent determined by the conditions (read - requirements) of Azerbaijan. Thus, on the question of NTV channel journalist "Is Karabakh - Turkish condition?”, Erdogan replied: "This is not our condition. This is Azerbaijan’s condition. This issue is not in our direct interests. However, indirectly, we are in a close connection to this topic”.

Indeed, Ankara is "indirectly” connected to "this topic ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 861 | Added by: Грант | Date: 22.04.2010 | Comments (0)

Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijani President suddenly phone called to the President of Turkey Abdullah Gul located in Oman. The bell rang during the official welcoming ceremony of the Turkish President in Oman, reported Armenian Public Television with the reference on Arab media. Despite the protocol violation, Aliyev demanded immediately pass the phone to Gul, inform the Arab media.

There is no information whether Aliyev’s demand was complied or not, but the extreme excitement of Azerbaijani President is understandable: Aliyev does not trust to the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan who is located in USA same as, Gul. Despite their assurances to protect Aze ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 1226 | Added by: Грант | Date: 15.04.2010 | Comments (0)

Azerbaijani website published long article (in 2 parts) of certain Gasan Tatoglu from Vienna, where the author, as he wrote, attempted to understand the Armenian point of view on Khojaly’s (Agdam’s L. M.-Sh.) tragedy. This desire of course if commendable, and Azerbaijani side long ago had to calmly and unbiased understand facts. However, Tatoglu didn’t succeed on "calmly understanding”, throughout the article author tried to refute published facts and Armenian side’s arguments about Agdam’s tragedy. After all, the author very clumsily shifts the accent on the internal politics vicissitudes of Republic of Armenia. Allah with him, it’s not worth while to expect more from the resident of Vienna with suddenly awakened patriotism.
Category: Analytics | Views: 1212 | Added by: Грант | Date: 13.04.2010 | Comments (0)

The President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan during his interview for "Euronews” channel appealed to Azerbaijan for signing agreement on the nonuse of force. "This would lay the foundation of confidence in Armenia and Karabakh; it would allow people to understand that Azerbaijan is ready to the conflict’s peaceful solution. Then, we would work on details…”. This appeal, met the aspirations of the people from all three sides of Nagorno-Karabakh’s conflict, could count on the understanding in Azerbaijan; however, many commentators and observers of this republic rushed unanimously to reject it. Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave a sign for "mass non-acceptance of the peace” through its spokesman E. Polukhov, rejecting Sargsyan’s proposal. Same message of Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave installation for the s ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 1161 | Added by: Грант | Date: 25.03.2010 | Comments (0)

International organization Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) included Azerbaijan in short list of countries financing terrorism and laundering criminal money. In this list, besides Azerbaijan, from the post-Soviet countries, also appears Ukraine. Although, open to press report didn’t cite supporting data on reasons why Azerbaijan and Ukraine got included in the list of laundering criminal incomes and sponsoring terrorism countries, there are no top secrets in it. Thus, Ukraine’s weapon sale to Azerbaijan let Kiev and Baku’s officials "to earn” ten, or even more, million dollars. Publicity also got some of Ukraine’s "operations” on supplying world terrorist organizations with the weapon.

Category: Analytics | Views: 1221 | Added by: Грант | Date: 24.03.2010 | Comments (0)

First part of this article read here

Few hours before the beginning of resolution №252 discussion in the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, the President of Turkey A. Gul telephoned US President B. Obama. Not hard to guess the conversation essence; however, the administration of the White House reported that Obama recommended Gul to expedite the ratification of Armenian- Turkish protocols. No one knows what Obama answered about the resolution, but again, not hard to guess it: "America- democratic c ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 1154 | Added by: Грант | Date: 18.03.2010 | Comments (0)

So, Committee on US Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives approved and adopted the resolution №252, recognizing the events in Turkey 1915-23 as Armenian Genocide. 23 congressmen voted for the resolution, while 25 congressmen of above mentioned committee gave their preliminary promise to vote "for” Undoubtedly, the reduced number of "yes” votes, as well as the increase of resolution opponents (on one person) in the committee is the result of the pressure from the side of the Barack Obama President’s administration. According to the White House Speaker, Mike Hamer, few hours before the vote, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got in touch with the Committee Chairman Howard Berman and warned him that positive outcome would endanger the reconciliation process between Armenia ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 933 | Added by: Грант | Date: 15.03.2010 | Comments (0)

Actually in order to give a birth, it is necessary to be impregnated. The office of Azerbaijan’s Military Prosecutor gets impregnated only by Azerbaijan’s state propaganda, as a result of it, after years of pregnancy; it gave a birth to the dead and already decomposed little mouse.

Publication of the extensive document, about the investigation of Agdam’s tragedy reasons, became clear testimony of unprofessional unsuitability of Azerbaijani lawyers in uniform. In the preface to this "document” Military Prosecutor's office of Azerbaijan Republic first repeated the basic postulates of Azerbaijani propaganda, making its contribution - "Armenians undertook action ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 1296 | Added by: Грант | Date: 26.02.2010 | Comments (0)

Military successes in Tog and Sarinashen marked the beginning of a massive armed conflict between Artsakh Armenians and Azeribaijani occupants. 

Following these victories our troops carried out operations to free Lesnoe (Meshali), Malibeili, Ashagy (Nerkin), and Gushchular. The operations were planned by Commandos (Arkady Ter-Tadevosian), and carried out by Valery Balayan, commander of operations. In Karadagli, the commander of operations was Karen Babayan. There were long bouts of heavy fighting resulting in freeing both Stepanakert's suburbs and Krkzhan, as well as lifting the blockade around the only airport in NKR [Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh] and taking the Azerbaijani Special Police (OMON) base - Khojaly. 
Category: Analytics | Views: 1730 | Added by: Грант | Date: 24.02.2010 | Comments (0)

In light of the political consultations on the issue of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, editors consider necessary to re-publish this article, first printed in April this year. The article gives ten centuries brief history of relations between Armenian people and Turkish nomadic tribes. It is published with minor amendments.

History of Armenian people for thousand years evolved according to natural laws of human existence. The nation created, fought (successfully, or not), tilled the land, etc.. In short, like "all others”. The state territory in different periods of history was expanding, and then narrowing, changing external state and internal "administrative” boundaries. Only the residence area of the Armenian people never changed: Armenian plateau – is a place, where at the dawn of history Armenian spiri ... Read more »
Category: Analytics | Views: 1155 | Added by: Грант | Date: 05.02.2010 | Comments (0)

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Turkey lays down conditions to Armenia (20)
Agreements with Turkey to be concluded after Genocide recognition (4)
Turkish MGK apparently took decision on protocols (19)
Serzh Sargsyan visited NKR-based Armenian military post (0)
Yerevan to stop negotiations with Ankara in case it proposes reservations in Protocols (0)
U.S. Senators Menendez and Ensign introduce Armenian Genocide Resolution (1)
Secretary General of Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry Appointed (4)
Dashnaktsutyun will employ all legal means to fail ratification (1)
Armenian and NKR Presidents to meet in Stepanakert on October 21 (2)
Turkish Foreign Ministry Not Yet Resolved Document Formalities (2)
Nagorno-Karabakh Discussed during Turkey’s National Security Council Session (30)
Turkey will try to drag out ratification of Protocols till March (6)
Turkish Businesses Under Pressure in Azerbaijan (1)
Ruben Hakobyan: Nagorno Karabakh in exchange for gas (0)
Turkey's EU membership will help west to improve relations with the Muslim world? (1)
