On December 3 at the session of the UN General Assembly intended the discussion prepared by Azerbaijan Republic the draft resolution "on the Situation in the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan”. Baku didn’t make a secret out of how much great work of Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff it took to push this resolution. And what funds are spent for this work.
Promotional troopers of Azerbaijan worked practically among all of the diplomats of all of the countries of all parts of the world, with the exception of Europe, which on some issues, as a rule, votes consolidated. Particular attention was paid to the forgotten island states of the Pacific Ocean: where they don’t even know what Azerbaijan is. Fewer diplomatic and financial resources had been spent on the member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC): in Azerbaijan where each month demolishes mosques they continue to hope on the Islamic solidarity. Even less attention was paid to the members of GUAM (Organization for Democracy and Economic Development): in Baku they somehow believe that it is not worthwhile to bribe some "friends”. They, allegedly, are so attached to us, and some of them are completely addicted to the natural gas of Azerbaijan.
However, let’s be objective, even with such obvious faults, "Azerbaijan’s resolution” had every chance of being adopted by the General Assembly session: the majority of states, which do not have a direct relation to the issue, again would vote higgledy-piggledy, or to be more exact, they would vote according to what Baku would put into their pocket.
That is the exact way how the similar resolution had been adopted by the UN General Assembly on March 14, 2008. Adoption of that declaration had been correctly qualified by some analysts as the failure of the Armenian diplomacy. Since Azerbaijan at that time and even now acts so primitive and straightforward. Whatever it was, but in that March false and anti-Armenian declaration was adopted by the ratio of 39 voices against seven. There was a little consolation that against the declaration voted, all three country- cochairing the OSCE on regulating of Nagorno-Karabakh problem. It seems like it their merit that hundred states abstained from the voting.
This time, however, situation occurred different. We’ll repeat that this time having all chances "to push” this resolution Azerbaijan has withdrawn it from the agenda of General Assembly. Naturally, of course, that this solution does not the result of the sudden awakening of President of Azerbaijan I. Aliyev’s conscience, it was his direct order for the staff of Minister of Foreign Affairs to work hard on writhing this fake document. Then, what reasons does Baku have for such radical solution?
Official explanation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, uttered by press-secretary E. Polukhov: -"Discussion of the situation on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan at the meeting of the UN General Assembly has been postponed for technical reasons”, we can’t call it other than ridiculous. What kind of "technical reasons” do they talk about? Maybe, the secretariat of the UN General Assembly did not have time to circulate a draft resolution among UN member states? Or representative of Tuvalu have not managed to find Azerbaijan on the world map? The draft resolution have been hanging there for a while, well, Tuvalu voted last time "yes” without understanding, where Azerbaijan is located. This reason is not serious.
It seems like; "technical reasons” appeared in Azerbaijan. As stated same Polukhov: "Discussion of the draft resolution… was postponed, by the request of Azerbaijani side, until the next time. This was done only for the technical reasons. The exact time of discussion at this moment is not determined”. Note that, when in Azerbaijan "the time is not yet determined”, on the UN site is already indicated that the discussion was postponed for the indeterminate period of time.
In order to understand, why I. Aliyev refused from the resolution, providing him the opportunity to state again about the "victory” above Armenia, it is necessary to recall the recent events in our region. Primarily, war-like statements of the President of Azerbaijan and his many yes-maces that were made directly before the meeting with the President of Armenia Serj Sargsyan. Let us also recall the noble answer of S. Sargsyan when he warned excessively going too far Aliyev about the imminent hard resistance. The meeting had a place right in the brief interval between verbal attacks, and then both Sargsyan and Aliyev had the opportunity to demonstrate how words match with their deeds.
There are no doubts that S. Sargsyan’s arguments, reinforced by the combat readiness of the armed forces of Armenia and the NKR Defense Army seemed fairly persuasive for Aliyev. Not less convincing appeared the chairman’s suggestion to Aliyev, the essence of it is possible to transmit by the slang phrase "don’t run up”. Aliyev, although not the most outstanding graduate of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), understood everything correctly. And then here was Goran Lermarker who reminded that conflicts are solved through mutual concessions…
Finally, just before the December 3 there was a meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Azerbaijan, and also at that time have confirmed the statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia and France and Deputy Secretary of the United State. Azerbaijan clearly have been given to know that attempts of coming out of the Nagorno- Karabakh regulating settlement problem of the OSCE Minsk group format is fraught with very unpleasant consequences for Azerbaijan. For example, winding down of the Minsk group and providing the opportunity to Azerbaijan to solve problems with "territorial integrity” of Soviet Azerbaijan by itself.
Whatever it was told to Aliyev, one thing is clear: the President of Azerbaijan was forced to withdraw prepared in Baku false and provocative declaration from the agenda of the UN General Assembly. And here I want, may be for once ever, to address some good words to the foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia, whose efforts made this success. Of cause, we understand, that the UN General Assembly resolutions do not have legally binding status and, and they could be do not taken into the account. But we also understand that any anti-Armenian document, especially on this level, distorts reality, and gives an extra cause for hysterical propaganda of Baku.
In this sense, the success of Armenian diplomacy is especially important. Azerbaijan did not prevent "technical reasons”, but instead it was a "technical knock-out”, obtained by the exact counter-attack on the badly covered chin (ie false resolution, with unbiased examination of it, all its fictional insinuations easily refuted).