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«  June 2010  »



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Main » 2010 » June » 11 » We’ll count victims later
We’ll count victims later
During two days I couldn’t escape from the thought that French philosopher Rene Descartes in his "The Principles of Philosophy” couldn’t keep control on assigned task of constructing philosophy system free from the elements of faith and based on the brain activity. "I think, therefore, I am” (Cogito, ergo sum) -this philosophical creed of scientist is brilliantly refuted today by hundreds of thousand people in the entire world. Including those who obligated to know the way of thinking "because of the position” – leaders of states. Since they ceased to think, but still continue to exist, and it seems like they exist quite well.

      This conclusion is an output on many government officials reaction on the Israeli Naval Commandos detain of so-called "freedom flotilla” moving in Gaza with a cargo ship. From the very beginning was clear that this action, planned in the depths of Turkish intelligence agencies and paid by the Ankara Government - pure provocation that unfortunately reached some of the intended goals. However, note, Turkey could deliver it without any scandals by accepting unload of aid in Israeli port of Ashdod and its further transportation along the UN channel. It was purposed to "freedom flotilla” by Israel, and precisely this situation besides of it did not arrange Turkey.

      Ankara wanted this slap on its face, since, getting it from Israel Turkey will increase itself the eyes of inclined radically Arabs. On the other side, as Turkey expected, European human rights activists and "people lovers” in this story saw only one thing: Israel didn’t let to deliver into Gaza 10 thousand tons of humanitarian aid.  Somehow was forgotten the case, that Israel (itself) once a week send to Gaza up to 15 thousand tons of the same humanitarian aid. Suddenly after that uncles and aunties already talked about "inadequate force of use” of Special Naval Commandos of Israel against the peaceful and armed civilians with iron bars and knives of "peacemakers”.

      As if there is a fundamental difference with what weapon to kill soldier while he is on duty? To explode yourself along with him, to shoot him, to score him by rods or to hack him to death? After all, death from the bullet is much easier than to be beaten to death by the rods in the hands of demon-like "peacemakers”.

      I would want to be correctly understood. I myself experience enormous sympathy to the ordinary civilians of Gaza Strip, and in the tragic winter of 2008-2009 perhaps, none else in Armenia so heatedly defended Palestinian Arabs, than the author of these words. My opinion since then did not change: ordinary inhabitants, common Arabs, Gaza civilians, should not suffer from the conflict of their management with the government of any other country. No one has right to deprive them to live fulfilled life. Today Hamas refutes from the aid, which went to them in the holds "freedom flotilla”, and exposes pre-conditions. Should it be called …."political ambitions, or disregard on population needs?

      Today, on the background with the incident in the Mediterranean, many politicians unexpectedly appeared to have amnesia, and they’ve forgotten, that yesterday Turkish organization IHH the official organizer added that "freedom flotilla” to the list of the terrorist organizations, with close ties to Al-Qaeda. "Maskhadov is dead, but battle for freedom continues. I call all Turks to help Chechnya in the war against Russian "imperialism", said Yildirim on March 11th, 2005 at a meeting (, hosted by the center in Istanbul. Completely neutral Danish Institute for International studies noted in 2006 that IHH secretly funneling terrorist groups in Chechnya weapons, ammunition and money. However, the BS "peacekeepers” eclipsed the money and the ability to skill logically.

      No one sais that Gaza is blocked not only from the side of Israel, but also by the Egypt one of the Arab states. Arab state Egypt. Both Israel and Egypt established the blockade on Gaza in June 2007 after Hamas came to power. Palestinians dug hundreds and thousands of underground tunnels from Gaza to Egypt to deliver goods for trade to Gaza, and frequently weapon. Trying to close the Channel Egypt even constructed the ferroconcrete wall, which exits to many meters deep in the earth. Palestinians deepened even more.

      Why there are no accusations against Egypt arranged blockade to their tribesmen-Arabs? And why "freedom flotilla” didn’t unload in the Egyptian ports in order to deliver goods by road in Gaza Strip? The answer is obvious: "peacemakers” had to face with Israel, since only this version, according to the Ankara concept could enhance its credibility in Islamic world. You should agree on the fact that this is a tearjerker story: ships, sailing to the "Starving Gaza” and anxious to starve Gaza Arabs "evil” Jews. What about so rigidly conducting the blockade of the same Gaza? There is no point to fight with Egypt, it is abhorrent to the program of nominating Turkey in the leader of the Islamic world.

      Amusing fact, Turkey committed the Genocide of Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Greeks-Pontiacs; Turkey, many decades cutting out and destroying Kurds; Turkey bombing the northern regions of Iraq; Turkey, stonewalling Armenia for 17 years, suddenly eclipsed the minds of thousands people and began to be seen as the "defender of oppressed”. Truly, if God wants to punish man, he takes away his mind. Poor Rene Descartes. How naïve he was!

      Do people in Europe realize that their protection of Turkish initiative to break the blockade is supported by an Islamist party in the elections? Braving the "freedom flotilla” game a start for a sharp radicalization of Turkish society, not far of the time when Gul and Erdogan will become the power base passions of fanatic crowd.

      Do Turkey defenders realize that their support of Turkish provocation threaten a major war, the first victims of it will be those Arab-Palestinians, which, allegedly, so touchingly cares Turkey about? Personally, I like those semi-literate Arabs of Gaza, that raise today Turkish flags (sancta of simplicitas!) much better, than dressed in tuxedos provocateurs. Since their activity provokes Turkey on new "exploits”, result of can become the sufferings of millions of people.

Views: 984 | Added by: Грант | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 QuappyPypsuse  

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