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«  April 2010  »



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Main » 2010 » April » 27 » “Baker” operates in Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan
“Baker” operates in Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan
Year after the bloody drama in Azerbaijan’s State Oil Academy (ASOA) the criminal case went to the trail. Let’s recall, on April 30th, 2009 stranger went into the Education Building shooting all passersby people rising from first to the sixth floor. 15 minutes later in one of the empty audiences was found corpse of the alleged killer, later body was identified as a citizen of Georgia, Azeri by origin Farda Gadirov. Farther we’ll talk about the circumstances of murder and killer’s identification, now let’s turn to the courtroom and prosecutor’s charge.

Thus, in prosecutor’s indictment, after a lot of stories about the dedicated work on identifying offender’s accomplices, was reported… the customer of this mass murder in Baku’s State Oil Academy was Armenian man Mardun Gumashyan. Mardun Gumashyan’s name already is in the list of Interpol marked as internationally wanted. Not for the first time Azerbaijan resorts to the Interpol services with unfounded requests that are usually rejected by the authoritative organization by the reason of weak and not appropriate evidence base. Undoubtedly, Interpol will reject Azerbaijan's request this time also. Here’s why.

Since April 30th, in Azerbaijan vigorously seek for the "Armenian trace” of this high-profile crime. Naturally, it was found. It turned out that Farda Gadirov was born and grew in Dashtepe village of Marnauli’s district in Georgia which is located… near the Armenian village Shulaver of the same region. It was the first significant clue of Azeri intelligence agencies. However, during the investigations were found even more interesting details: it turned out that Farda Gadirov four months - from April to August 2008 - worked as auxiliary worker in the parquet factory shop of Podolsk city. This not remarkable fact in Farda’s biography turned into a major "exposure”: Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan earnestly declared that General Manager and Head of shop in the above-mentioned factory were Armenians Alexander Kocharov and Edward Mkrtumyan. That is not all: Azeri investigators managed to count 28 more Armenians among the workers of the same factory. Here of course, it’s easy to get cranky from all of the mentioned facts. Returning in Dashtepe Farda recorded the video message on mobile phone’s camera describing his desire to go to Baku and kill there passerby people. "Wait Baku I’ll come!”


But even in Dashtepe Farda found an Armenian! Azeri investigators maniacally looking for the "Armenian trace” in the mass shooting of students found that the killer was familiar with the Armenian man Sergey Grigoryan, and even once took a trip to the capital of Georgia with him. In the previous reports of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan, the list of Armenians in any way connected with Farda, terminated on Grigoryan. However, in the indictment appeared Mardun Gumashyan, Shulaver’s baker, he together with his schoolboy-sons, "mainly concerned with: the baking bread in the bakery (built in their house), and selling it from their own bakery to stores”. As contends prosecutor "the big shot” Mardun promised to pay Farda Gadirov and other Azeris: Djavidan Amirov, Najaf Suleymanov, Nadir Aliyev etc. "others are not identified yet” $50000 for committing of mass terrorist act in Baku city. Exclusively "based on the national hatred”.

Further events are like clockwork: Azeris hankered for "easy money” agreed to kill their tribesmen, it happened on April 30th of the last year. However, the defendants Djavidan Amirov, Najaf Suleymanov, Nadir Aliyev refused to plead their guilt, covered their ears and turned back to the court during reading of indictment, even so, nothing was changed. Prosecutors, concocted the indictment "based on the national hatred”, made their work. Now everyone in Azerbaijan knows: one Armenian village baker is able not only to buy the group of Azeris but also to force them to kill dozens of their tribesmen in center of Baku.

Of course, Azeris are free to believe to their prosecutors: like priest, like flock. We won’t bother them by our questions, although it is very interesting, why would anyone search for the man with Interpol aid’s, if his residence place is well known? However, abstaining from questions, let’s try to restore year ago events.

Thus, April 30th, 2009, at 9:30 am unknown man entered the second building of Baku’s Oil’s Academy and opened fire to kill. Climbing the stairs he shot everyone, who had the misfortune to be on his way. Approximately after 13 - 15 minutes the shooting ceased. 10 more minutes later, came police without clue whom should they disarm. 15 minutes after that police found the body of a young man in the empty audience. Almost immediately thereafter head of the press service of the Prosecutor General’s office of Azerbaijan Eldar Sultanov stated that the offender destroyed; (!!! L.M.-Sh.) and that it was the citizen of Georgia Nadir Shirhan-oglu. Three hours later was announced, that the offender is the citizen of Georgia, Azeri by origin Farda Asad-oglu Gadirov. Few hours later was arrested…Nadir Shirhan-oglu Aliyev. He was alive and unharmed. As it turned out Nadir Aliyev together with Farda rented the room in Baku.

The fact that Nadir Aliyev’s name appeared in publication right after the corpse finding of the alleged killer is enough to accuse Azerbaijani law-enforcement agencies, at least, in failing to prevent the mass shooting of students. In Azerbaijan knew about the conspiracy!

We won’t declare that Azerbaijani law-enforcement structures prepared this crime - submitted video to a certain degree proves Farda Gadirov’s independent decision - but we have reasons to declare: the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan at least, was informed about the impending assault. According to its organization’s information (or according to its plan) precisely Nadir Aliyev had to commit the suicide, or to be killed. Cold-blooded killer shot people without the mask; it's evident from the testimony. Farda’s corpse, found in the empty audience, was wearing mask! Hard to assume that before the suicide Farda put on mask. Rather, his murderer pulled the mask over the face. Azeri inspectors preferred do not explain how and why on Farda Gadirov’s face appeared mask; however, this circumstance asserts: the mask misled prosecutors, who stated that Nadir Aliyev is offender.

Let’s recall to some of other interesting indications of those days. Thus, the high-ranking officer of Azerbaijani police stated to journalists that his colleagues "followed Farda (!!! - L.M.- Sh.) and he escaping the unavoidable arrest, ran into the building of Oil Academy, where he began to shoot people”. Another officer told, that "thanks’ to police efforts Farda’s terrorist attack in the subway, was averted (!?- L.M.-Sh.) it could lead to more numerous victims”. However, even if we would assume that Azeri policemen preferred to invent in intrinsic to them manner some kind of the mythical events, in order to preserve MVD’s "esprit de corps”, then the story of a certain unnamed instructor cannot be ignored.

Academy’s instructor described to the APA journalists that at the Oil Academy entrance she saw two black cars; people inside didn’t react on the confusion and shots inside. These cars drove off before the police arrival but after the firing calmed down, as soon as the tall young man came out of the Academy and sat in one of them. Hard to believe that these cars were also purchased on the money of Shulaver’s baker.

Comparing all facts, there are no reasons to doubt: tragedy in the State Oil Academy was prepared and cold-bloodily carried out by Azerbaijani intelligence agencies. Another question is: why would they need it? As it appears to be, this entire story directly referred to the initialed one week earlier the tragedy Armenian-Turkish protocols, as well as to the speech of US President Barrack Obama on April 24th, 2009. As we know, B. Obama called the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23 years in Ottoman Turkey by the Armenian equivalent of the term "genocide” - Mets Ehern. Let’s also recall that shortly before the tragedy the ex-minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ali Babadjan, commenting the approach of presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict stated: "major barrier overcame - demonstration of the political will by the parties”.

Undoubtedly: after the signing of protocols and Obama’s speech Azerbaijan had to demonstrate its own political will. As we know, it’s, usually determined by the fear degree and population will's paralyses. Regarding managers, car drivers and bakers, all of these characters must be sought in the depths of Azerbaijani intelligence agencies. In any case, one "baker” operates in the bowels of Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan Republic.

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