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«  April 2010  »



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Main » 2010 » April » 6 » And the evidence proves the opposite
And the evidence proves the opposite
Two Azerbaijani officials, Tofic and Akhmed meet each other:
Listen, Akhmed, – says Tofic, – lately (recently) I started liking women. Does it mean that I’m a lesbian?

This is a typical Azerbaijani joke (which, by the way, boarders on truth) – a litmus paper of Azerbaijani "elite”. It’s impossible to meet such an exact and capacious self-estimation in any other country. Eventually, during many centuries people had and now have harems. And the sex of inhabitants of seraglio is no longer important. The importance is that the Azerbaijani "elite” owing to their customs keep operating in the spirit of concubines and eunuchs of a harem – "The worse for others the better for me”.

Just with such disgusting harem psychology Azerbaijani Akper Gasanov published the article "Armenian terrorism comes back to Moscow?” on 29th oh March this year.

The conversation was about the acts of terrorism which took a place in the morning on 29th of March in Moscow Subway Metro in "Lubyanka” and "Park kultiry” stations, as a result of which 39 innocent civilians died. Gasanov’s gloating is felt ever from the beginning of the article: "The motive of act of terrorism can quite be a message for Russian leadership, which more actively prosecutes a subject of settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict”. This time we are abstaining from commenting ridiculous thoughts , meaning that "harem”, "concubine”, "eunuch”, "seraglio”, "hashish”, "terrorism”, "vahhabism”, "barbarity”, "mockery over corpses”, "cannibalism”, "immorality”, "intellectual backwardness”, "primitiveness” and others are long ago inalienable characteristics of Azerbaijan. That’s disgusting, but a fact.

Whether it is the sign of intellectual backwardness and primitiveness that this miserable scribbler instead of condolence to families of victims writes four-page foolish article, in which in conformity with his own "intellect”, stupidly and primitively tells about "Armenian terrorism”? Though, mental abilities of Azerbaijani suffice only in such "combinations”. Eventually, A. Gasanov is a descendant of the herdsman-nomad, and still nobody has cancelled genetics laws.

The rapid reaction of Azerbaijanis in relation to Moscow act of terrorism looks very suspiciously. Thus, on 29th of March at 7:50 and 8:40 Moscow time at two Moscow metro stations had been made explosions. It turns out that the explosions had happened at 8:50 and 9:40 Baku time. Then, at 11:44 Baku time on pages of had been published the article "Armenian terrorism comes back to Moscow?” Moreover, the article is quite huge – about four pages. That is during nearby two hours A. Gasanov managed to write four-page article and publish it on website. Thus, a time, necessary for Russian agencies to prepare that sad news should also be considered. I repeat that that is very suspicious and practically impossible rapid reaction. Hence, I am sure, that the text of article, with some admissions for clarifying the details (names of stations, number of victims, etc.) was prepared in beforehand. No comment.

The fact that Azerbaijan is the centre of international terrorism and narcotraffic for a long time is known by everyone. In order that nobody from nomads tried to find an "Armenian trace” in this simple truth, I will quote the recent words of the president of Chechnya Ramzan Kadirov:

"That who were guilty, on whom hands is blood, – are given narcotic tablets, zombied, and then they go to detonate themselves. Who and what to detonate – they don’t understand. Seeing police car they run up and blow them up. These all is handwork of the West. Islamic world doesn’t help them; there are individual persons, who send fife-ten thousand dollars, but these are not money. The basic Soviet ammunition dumps are in Georgia and Azerbaijan. All barrels and ammunitions go to gangsters from there. Still recently heroin went shaft from there, and now – TNT, automatic machines. The West is interested in separation of Caucasus from Russia. Caucasus is the strategic boundary of Russia. If Caucasus is taken away, consider that half of Russia is selected”. (

Meanwhile, literally 5 days before act of terrorism on the website was published Kenan Guluzade’s article "Armenia is preparing to cover inevitable failure in case of renewal of active operations”, where in black and white was written: "About three years ago I had been talking with military experts from one of countries of the West. My interlocutor was an officer of certain alliance… As my interlocutor confirmed, there are ground-attack aircraft in structure of a minimum some tens thousand persons (there is an exact number, but while I will modestly keep silent about it) which are trained at the highest level and can reach within two weeks a march from not occupied part of Agdam or Physuly areas to border of Armenia if, of course, they will not have an order to move further. I will repeat that it is a question not of regular army, but about the trained ground-attack aircraft». The facts are more than convincing.

It is necessary to notice that recently Azerbaijani propaganda and special services started committing gross blunder. Thus, deputy of National Assembly of Azerbaijan even declared at parliament session, that suspected the members of Azerbaijani party "Musavat” in contact with terrorists. This all with quite obvious logicality shows confusion and nervousness in an imperious camp of Azerbaijan.

But we will tell about it in the next article.

Constantin AZARIAN


I deeply and sincerely sympathize with victims’ close people and relatives of terror. I am sure, that organizers of this inhuman action will receive worthy punishment.
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